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Associate same bluetooth mouse on macos and linux
Ecrit par: Shareannonce
Date création:  14-12-2018
Nombre de vues:  1672
Catégorie:  informatique > developpement > linux
   Tutoriel N° 2c6

Associate same bluetooth mouse on macos and linux


Open terminal

sudo defaults read /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist

LinkKeys = {
"04-0c-ce-e2-c3-7b" = {
"00-00-01-04-4a-4f" = <6df4f76e 2ef07685 57e9a99c 078d392d>;
"00-26-bb-80-74-79" = <ad9a9b96 9d1fd257 be33ced5 eb4e8f90>;
"fc-e9-98-f1-91-9f" = <e4e2fd6f 666b019e 732bf497 09ae1c86>;

You need transform this orange string:

   Get 2 chars by 2 chars from right to left and remove space
   Transform your string in UPPERCASE for linux

Write this in a terminal:

echo ad9a9b96 9d1fd257 be33ced5 eb4e8f90 | sed 's/ //g;s/../U&n/g' | tac | tr -d 'n' ; echo

string used on macos: ad9a9b96 9d1fd257 be33ced5 eb4e8f90
string used on linux: 908F4EEBD5CE33BE57D21F9D969B9AAD (*)

Reboot on linux:
Log u in root
If you don't have root password, create one: sudo passwd root

su root

cd /var/lib/bluetooth
cd 04 [tab]
cd 00 [tab]

sudo service bluetooth stop
nano info
Change the string in this file

Key=908F4EEBD5CE33BE57D21F9D969B9AAD (*)

sudo service bluetooth start

Reboot and it's ok

my last key: 2CC1E506D2AD38FE0D4FB5342D87BA4F

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