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Make a RAM Disk with Terminal Mac OS X Lion
Ecrit par: Shareannonce
Date création:  15-11-2011
Nombre de vues:  2782
Catégorie:  informatique > apple > logiciel > lion
   Tutoriel N° 200

Make a RAM Disk with Terminal Mac OS X Lion

Open a Terminal, Make and Save this Shell Script:

$ nano ramdisk.sh

if ! test -e /Volumes/"RamDisk"; then
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "RamDisk" `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://4000000`
chflags nohidden /Volumes/"RamDisk"

You can change size of 4000000 with less or more (Maximum will be your free RAM)

Make a CHMOD in Terminal on this file:

$ chmod 777 ramdisk.sh

Make + i on the file ramdisk.sh

Open with: Select Terminal.app (in Utilities) and ALL MODIFY

Double click on your file will open your RAMDISK

To ditch your RAMDISK and amount it eject the disk or use Terminal with

$ hdiutil detach RamDisk

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